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Tkinter Python 3 Download Mac

카테고리 없음

by smutigical1972 2020. 11. 9. 06:59


Or the book Python and Tkinter Programming by John Grayson (Manning, 2000, ISBN 1-884777-81-3). This document applies to Python 1.5 and Tkinter 8.0.4 running in the X Window system.

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The tkMessageBox module is used to display message boxes in your applications. This module provides a number of functions that you can use to display an appropriate message.

Some of these functions are showinfo, showwarning, showerror, askquestion, askokcancel, askyesno, and askretryignore.


Here is the simple syntax to create this widget −


  • FunctionName − This is the name of the appropriate message box function.

  • title − This is the text to be displayed in the title bar of a message box.

  • message − This is the text to be displayed as a message.

  • options − options are alternative choices that you may use to tailor a standard message box. Some of the options that you can use are default and parent. The default option is used to specify the default button, such as ABORT, RETRY, or IGNORE in the message box. The parent option is used to specify the window on top of which the message box is to be displayed.

Tkinter Python 3 Download Mac Installer

You could use one of the following functions with dialogue box −

  • showinfo()

  • showwarning()

  • showerror ()

  • askquestion()

  • askokcancel()

  • askyesno ()

  • askretrycancel ()

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Try the following example yourself −


When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −

Tk/Tcl has long been an integral part of Python. It provides a robust andplatform independent windowing toolkit, that is available to Python programmersusing the tkinter package, and its extension, the tkinter.tix andthe tkinter.ttk modules.

The tkinter package is a thin object-oriented layer on top of Tcl/Tk. Touse tkinter, you don’t need to write Tcl code, but you will need toconsult the Tk documentation, and occasionally the Tcl documentation.tkinter is a set of wrappers that implement the Tk widgets as Pythonclasses. In addition, the internal module _tkinter provides a threadsafemechanism which allows Python and Tcl to interact.

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tkinter’s chief virtues are that it is fast, and that it usually comesbundled with Python. Although its standard documentation is weak, goodmaterial is available, which includes: references, tutorials, a book andothers. tkinter is also famous for having an outdated look and feel,which has been vastly improved in Tk 8.5. Nevertheless, there are many otherGUI libraries that you could be interested in. For more information aboutalternatives, see the Other Graphical User Interface Packages section.

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  • tkinter — Python interface to Tcl/Tk
    • Tkinter Life Preserver
    • Handy Reference
  • tkinter.ttk — Tk themed widgets
    • Widget
    • Combobox
    • Spinbox
    • Notebook
    • Progressbar
    • Separator
    • Sizegrip
    • Treeview
    • Ttk Styling
  • tkinter.tix — Extension widgets for Tk
    • Tix Widgets
  • IDLE
    • Menus
    • Editing and navigation
    • Startup and code execution
    • Help and preferences